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· 11 min read


我将《全唐诗》导入到 RecoFeed 中,创造了一个像 TikTok 那样的个性化推荐信息流网站,专门推荐唐诗。唐诗是中国古代在唐代(618-907 年)创作的诗歌,是中国文学的高峰之作,内容涉及社会、自然、历史等众多领域。我利用 RecoFeed 的功能,为用户打造了一个私密且个性化的唐诗推荐体验。这个网站不仅可以根据用户的兴趣推荐唐诗,还能利用 AI 技术解释诗歌内容和还原其意境,为用户提供深度的唐诗阅读体验。


唐诗是中国古代诗歌的一种,指的是唐代(618 年至 907 年)时期创作的诗歌。唐诗是中国诗歌历史上的一座高峰,具有很高的艺术价值和文学地位,被誉为“诗的国度”。唐诗的创作涉及到社会、人生、自然、历史、哲学等诸多方面,题材广泛,风格多样,有山水田园诗、边塞战争诗、爱情闺怨诗、咏物怀古诗等不同类型。唐诗的代表作家有李白、杜甫、白居易、王维、王昌龄、刘禹锡等,他们的作品被誉为唐代诗歌的经典之作。唐诗不仅在中国文学史上占有重要地位,而且在世界文学史上也有着重要影响。



  1. 形式多样:唐诗形式多样,包括律诗、绝句、古体诗等。律诗通常是八行每行五言或七言,遵循严格的平仄声律和押韵规则;绝句则是四行诗,同样遵循固定的节奏和韵律;古体诗则相对自由,不严格遵循固定的格式。
  2. 内容丰富:唐诗内容丰富,涵盖了自然景观、人文情感、社会生活、历史哲思等多个方面。诗人们通过对大自然的描绘、个人情感的表达、社会现象的评论以及对历史的反思,展现了丰富多彩的生活面貌和深邃的思想内涵。
  3. 言简意赅:唐诗以其言简意赅著称,诗人们常常用极为简洁的语言表达深刻的情感和思想。这种言简意赅的特点体现了中国古典文学的一种美学追求,即在最少的字数中表达最丰富的内容。
  4. 意象丰富:唐诗中的意象非常丰富,诗人们善于运用各种自然和文化的象征,通过具体的事物传达深层的意义。例如,月亮常被用来象征离别、孤独或者思念。
  5. 韵律和谐:唐诗在韵律上非常讲究,诗人们通过不同的韵脚、声调和节奏的变化,创造出音乐般的和谐之美。这种韵律的和谐不仅仅体现在音节的匹配上,还体现在整首诗的节奏感和流畅度上。
  6. 情感真挚:唐诗表达的情感通常非常真挚和深刻。无论是对自然景色的赞美,还是对个人情感的抒发,或是对社会现象的批评,都显示出诗人深厚的情感和真挚的态度。
  7. 艺术手法:唐诗在艺术手法上也极为讲究,如运用比喻、借景抒情、对仗工整等手法,使得诗歌在形式上亦达到了高度的艺术境界。



《全唐诗》是唐代诗歌的集大成者,是中国古代诗歌史上的一座巅峰之作。《全唐诗》共收录了唐代诗人 2200 余人的作品,约 4.8 万首,是中国历史上规模最大、内容最丰富、影响最深远的诗歌总集。《全唐诗》的编纂始于康熙四十四年(1705 年),由康熙帝下令编纂,历时两年完成。《全唐诗》的编纂遵循了“以诗存史,以诗证史”的宗旨,收录了唐代各个时期的诗歌作品,反映了唐代社会的政治、经济、文化、宗教等各个方面的情况,是研究唐代历史和文化的重要资料。《全唐诗》的编纂者以严谨的态度和认真的精神,对唐代诗歌进行了整理和筛选,保证了《全唐诗》的质量和权威性。《全唐诗》不仅是中国古代诗歌史上的一座丰碑,也是世界文学史上的重要文化遗产。

什么是 RecoFeed?

RecoFeed 是一个用于创建个性化推荐信息流的工具。它能够根据用户兴趣定制推荐的内容列表,如文章、产品、视频等。该工具使用 CloseVector,这是一个跨平台的向量数据库,可下载到用户的设备上,确保在本地生成推荐时的数据隐私。



  1. 个性化全唐诗体验,根据您的兴趣实时推荐;
  2. 利用AI解释唐诗;
  3. AI还原唐诗意境。


AI 辅助生成类别


通过 RecoFeed,你可以使用 AI 为你的用户生成类别。这对于初始化用户偏好非常有用,并且可以从第一次访问开始提供个性化体验。在这个例子中。

为你的信息流配置可定制的 AI 动作


RecoFeed 支持你的信息流的 AI 动作。这意味着你可以使用 AI 为你的用户生成内容,并为他们提供个性化体验。在这个例子中,“绘制”是一个 AI 动作,它使用 OpenAI 的 Dall-E 生成一张解释文章内容的图片。“解释”是一个 AI 动作,它使用 OpenAI 的 GPT-4 为诗歌生成解释性文本。

串联调用 GPT-4 和 Dall-E 3


RecoFeed 通过串联 Dall-E 3 和 GPTs 支持绘图动作。这意味着用户可以不输入任何文本就绘制一张图片,AI 将生成符合文本的图片。



唐诗对于非母语者来说可能难以理解。通过 RecoFeed,你可以使用 AI 帮助你的用户更好地理解你的内容。在这个例子中,AI 解释了诗歌的内容,并提供了英语翻译。

在布局中使用缓存的 AI 内容


RecoFeed 支持为你的缓存 AI 响应配置内容布局。这意味着你可以自定义你的内容布局,并为你的用户提供个性化体验。



RecoFeed 在设备上本地处理推荐和用户偏好。



RecoFeed 支持根据用户偏好即时重新推荐。当用户更改他们的偏好时,包括喜欢或不喜欢一篇文章,或更改他们的类别偏好时,就会发生这种情况。

Recofeed 是一个可以添加到主屏幕的渐进式 Web 应用程序


RecoFeed 是一个渐进式 Web 应用程序,你可以将其添加到你的主屏幕。这意味着你可以像使用设备上的原生应用一样使用 RecoFeed,并从你的主屏幕访问它。



· 7 min read


I tapped into the RecoFeed to upload the 'Complete Collection of Tang Poems' to the platform. I've created a site that functions like TikTok, but it's specially designed to recommend Tang poetry. Created in ancient China during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD), this poetry is a cornerstone of Chinese literature, touching on themes from society and nature to history. With RecoFeed, I’ve engineered a private, tailor-made experience for users to discover Tang poetry. The site doesn’t just suggest poems based on interests; it uses AI to break down the poems and bring their essence to life, offering a rich and immersive journey into Tang poetry.

What is Tang poetry?

Tang poetry is a form of ancient Chinese poetry written during the Tang Dynasty era, spanning from 618 to 907 AD. It's a hallmark of Chinese poetry, celebrated for its high artistic quality and esteemed literary status, often described as 'the kingdom of poetry.' These poems delve into a myriad of subjects such as society, life, nature, history, and philosophy, and showcase a variety of themes and styles, including landscape and pastoral poems, frontier and war verses, romantic and plaintive poems, and poems about objects and nostalgia. Notable Tang poets like Li Bai, Du Fu, Bai Juyi, Wang Wei, Wang Changling, and Liu Yuxi are known for their timeless classics. Tang poetry isn’t just a pivotal part of Chinese literary history; it also wields a significant influence in the annals of world literature.

The unique structural features of Tang Dynasty poetry

Tang poetry, a vital component of Chinese literature, is distinguished by several unique structural features:

  1. Variety in Form: It includes a range of styles like regulated verse, quatrains, and ancient-style poems. Regulated verse typically has eight lines of either five or seven characters, adhering to strict tonal and rhyme patterns. Quatrains follow a set rhythm and rhyme in four lines, while ancient-style poetry offers more flexibility in format.
  2. Rich Themes: Tang poetry covers everything from natural scenery and human emotions to societal life and historical reflections, showcasing a tapestry of life and deep thought.
  3. Brevity and Depth: Known for its succinct yet profound language, Tang poetry exemplifies an aesthetic of expressing rich ideas in minimal words, a hallmark of classical Chinese literature.
  4. Vivid Imagery: It's replete with rich symbolism, using natural and cultural elements to convey deeper meanings. For instance, the moon often symbolizes separation or longing.
  5. Rhythmic Harmony: Tang poetry places a premium on rhythm, creating a musical beauty with varying rhymes, tones, and rhythms, evident in both syllabic harmony and overall poetic flow.
  6. Sincere Emotion: The emotions in these poems are heartfelt and profound, whether in praising nature, expressing personal sentiments, or critiquing social issues.
  7. Artistic Craft: It employs sophisticated techniques like metaphors, emotional expression through scenery, and balanced antithesis, elevating the form to a high artistic realm.

Overall, Tang poetry, with its diverse forms, rich content, concise yet meaningful language, abundant imagery, harmonious rhythm, heartfelt emotions, and refined artistry, forms an integral part of Chinese classical literature and has profoundly influenced subsequent generations.

Tang poetry, a vital component of Chinese literature, is distinguished by several unique structural features:

  1. Variety in Form: It includes a range of styles like regulated verse, quatrains, and ancient-style poems. Regulated verse typically has eight lines of either five or seven characters, adhering to strict tonal and rhyme patterns. Quatrains follow a set rhythm and rhyme in four lines, while ancient-style poetry offers more flexibility in format.
  2. Rich Themes: Tang poetry covers everything from natural scenery and human emotions to societal life and historical reflections, showcasing a tapestry of life and deep thought.
  3. Brevity and Depth: Known for its succinct yet profound language, Tang poetry exemplifies an aesthetic of expressing rich ideas in minimal words, a hallmark of classical Chinese literature.
  4. Vivid Imagery: It's replete with rich symbolism, using natural and cultural elements to convey deeper meanings. For instance, the moon often symbolizes separation or longing.
  5. Rhythmic Harmony: Tang poetry places a premium on rhythm, creating a musical beauty with varying rhymes, tones, and rhythms, evident in both syllabic harmony and overall poetic flow.
  6. Sincere Emotion: The emotions in these poems are heartfelt and profound, whether in praising nature, expressing personal sentiments, or critiquing social issues.
  7. Artistic Craft: It employs sophisticated techniques like metaphors, emotional expression through scenery, and balanced antithesis, elevating the form to a high artistic realm.

Overall, Tang poetry, with its diverse forms, rich content, concise yet meaningful language, abundant imagery, harmonious rhythm, heartfelt emotions, and refined artistry, forms an integral part of Chinese classical literature and has profoundly influenced subsequent generations.

What is RecoFeed?

RecoFeed is a tool designed for crafting personalized recommendation streams. It tailors the recommended content – like articles, products, videos, and more – to align with user interests. RecoFeed employs CloseVector, a versatile vector database compatible across various platforms. This database can be downloaded directly onto a user’s device, providing an added layer of data privacy when generating local recommendations.

What have I done?

I’ve integrated the 'Complete Collection of Tang Poems' into RecoFeed, developing a website that provides customized Tang poetry recommendations. This site features:

  1. A tailored Tang poetry experience, dynamically recommending poems based on your interests;
  2. AI-powered interpretation of Tang poetry;
  3. AI reconstruction of the underlying themes and emotions in Tang poetry.


AI-generated categories for initializing user preferences


With RecoFeed, you can use AI to generate categories for your users. This is useful for initializing user preferences, and for providing a personalized experience from the very first visit. In this example.

Customizable AI actions for your feed


RecoFeed supports AI actions for your feed. This means that you can use AI to generate content for your users, and to provide them with a personalized experience. In this example, 'Draw' is an AI action that uses OpenAI's Dall-E to generate an image that explains the content of the article. 'Explain' is an AI action that uses OpenAI's GPT-4 to generate explanatory text for the poem.

Recofeed supports Drawing Actions by pipelining Dall-E 3 and GPTs


RecoFeed supports Drawing Actions by pipelining Dall-E 3 and GPTs. This means the users can draw an image without inputting any text, and the AI will generate a image that fit the text.

Help your users better understand your content with AI assistance


Tang poetry can be difficult to understand, especially for non-native speakers. With RecoFeed, you can use AI to help your users better understand your content. In this example, the AI explains the content of the poem, and provides a translation in English.

  1. Configurable content layout for your cached AI responses

RecoFeed supports configurable content layout for your cached AI responses. This means that you can customize the layout of your content, and provide a personalized experience for your users.

Recommendations and user preferences processed locally on the device


RecoFeed processes recommendations and user preferences locally on the device.

Instant re-recommendation based on user preferences


RecoFeed supports instant re-recommendation based on user preferences. This happens when the user changes their preferences, including liking or disliking an article, or changing their category preferences.

Recofeed is a Progressive Web App that you can add to your home screen


RecoFeed is a Progressive Web App that you can add to your home screen. This means that you can use RecoFeed just like a native app on your device, and access it from your home screen.

How to check it out

You can experience it by visiting HERE.